Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Remember in elementary school when your teacher wanted to show you an educational video?  She would have to go down to the library and hope it was not being used by another teacher, or the school may not even have the video in the library at all.  Do you remember asking a teacher a question they did not know, and the teachers response was "I'll have to get back to you on that."

Gone are the days of having to wait for anything.  Technology has taken learning to a whole new level.  Teachers are now using SMARTBoards, educational websites, and Youtube to make learning not only educational but FUN!

SMART what?  SMARTBoards are the new whiteboards.  Except they are much cooler.  SMARTBoards not only allow teachers to write on them.  They give teachers access to the internet, allow them to save their notes for students who may have missed class, and allow children to interact with them in every subject.  These "Magic Boards" are making their way into classrooms around the country from elementary to high schools.

As the mother of a 1st grader at JV Washam Elementary, I see and hear about how my child is using technology on a daily basis.  Her school is fortunate enough to have SMARTBoards in every classroom.  With this technology they are able to look at and discuss many different websites as a class, and not just a one-on-one basis of computer usage.  I have compiled a list of excellent websites her school is using which consist of the following:
Where children have fun learning to read! mostly in Kindergarten curriculum as a fun way to introduce a variety of topics in a fun educational game setting
  • Is an excellent source for early readers.  Teachers do have to buy the service for their classroom, but it is well worth the price.  Children are first tested to see what level they begin on beginning with A and going through AA.  After their individual reading level is determined the children can begin to read books at their level.  They are able to read the book silently to themselves, or have the book read aloud to them.  When the book is read to them each word is highlighted as it is read.  After reading the book silently and listening to the book they are asked comprehension questions.  After answering the comprehension questions correctly the children are given points which go to the Raz Rocket room.  In this room you are able to "buy" different items to decorate your room.  If you do not have enough points for a particular item then you continue reading until you gain enough points for your purchase.
  • This website is used for math problem solving and other educational activities.  It is free for everyone to use.  This website begins with Pre-K skills, and goes up to eighth grade and beyond to Algebra and Geometry.  The website uses games and pictures as their teaching strategy and gives instant feedback.
  • Is an awesome website for literature.  Students at all grade levels are using this site for the creation of avatars.  The students are first creating stories, and then they are able to design and create an avatar to tell their story.  This site is helping them with spelling, and proofreading.  If a student has spelled a word wrong they will be able to tell by listening to what their Voki says, and they are also able to listen to what the Voki says and are able to decide if it makes sense or not.
  •  Is used to keep students informed on current events, holidays, and certain significant historical events.

While students are still using textbooks in the classroom the use of technology is becoming widespread.  No longer are students just using the computer on their assigned weekly or bi-weekly computer lab time.  Computers are being used on a daily basis in the classroom by teachers and students.  Beginning as early as Kindergarten students are given access to computers, and teachers are incorporating all sorts of different avenues into the learning process.  Children are now more excited than ever to go to school.  Learning has become a fun creative process through the use of technology.

Look for my next post which will discuss the "digital-divide" between schools with technology access and those that do not have the access.


  1. I love how the Internet is helping students and children learn at younger ages. Secondary sources can really help reinforce classroom material. Do you think teachers will ever become too dependent on the Internet to where classroom teaching methods begin to decline?

  2. It amazes me at how much children are expected to know about technology. My job frequently has me working in elementary schools, and I remember one instance where I observed third graders learning about Microsoft Excel and how to use basic mathematical functions in it. WHAT!?! It makes me wonder how we, though still young, will stay ahead of what appears to be a very fast-moving curve.

  3. Honestly, I do not think that teachers will ever be too dependent on the Internet. I think the way students learn is changing, and I think teaching styles are changing with that. I am also amazed at how smart children are, and how quickly they pick up on using electronics. I have a 3 year old who picked up an IPad and in less than a week was able to use it by herself


Do you have any background, opinions, or suggestions you would like to share?